Follow the “right” footsteps 

I find that many look to their peers or even their musical heroes as aspirational in many facets (ie musically) but also in the way they communicate, share on social media, market themselves, etc. 

But, are those people really effective communicators? Effective Marketers? Effective at telling the story of their work?

In some cases yes! But in many cases? No.

Yet, there are many who just start copycatting because it seems like “that must be the way to do it, if (insert name here) does it that way."

But no, there’s no right way for everyone. Your story is different and unique. The way you communicate is different from the next artist. Embrace that your style will vary! A sea of sameness to “fit in” online will not help your career. 

Instead, look to effective communicators online. Those that have built up an awareness slowly, over time, by identifying their unique angle on a specific subject matter, and going all in. Doesn’t matter the genre or topic - get outside of our music-industry bubble!

Being authentic will be one of the keys to becoming more consistent and more committed to your online presence. There’s no “right way.” There’s only authenticity or copycats!
