Jazz Composition Mini-Course!

Rhythm Changes Series 1 Preorders Now Available!

Nick Finzer's Jazz Trombone Mouthpiece Now Available!
New jazz trombone mouthpiece from Nick Finzer, now available!
25 Day Deep Dive! Jazz Trombone Language, Style, and more!

Major Scale Workout 2.0 for All Instruments!
If you want to develop your knowledge of major key centers, this video and PDF will help you get your improvisation to the next level! Applicable to all levels and all instruments!
Play the long game, but plan TODAY! Promotion, Publicity, Marketing and Touring

So, you're thinking about a Gap Semester (or Year?)
So, you're hesitant about going back to school this fall due to one of MANY reasonable situations. Whether it's health or financially driven, you might be reconsidering going back to campus this fall... But, you don't want to give up on being able to move forward with the progress you are making in your playing/career! I decided to launch a product this summer to allow you to tackle that situation head on. I'm calling it a "Gap Semester" or could even be for 2 semesters, making it a "Gap Year". Not taking a year off, but want some structure for 15 weeks this fall? This could be the ticket for your to jump-start the next phase of your artistic growth.
Cast of Characters (Nick Finzer's Hear & Now) Pre-Order 2020!

Augmented Wholetone Exercise 2.0!
Black Friday Deals for 2019!

2020 Goal Setting for Musicians Workbook
The new goal setting for Musicians 2020 Course and E-Workbook are now available!

Consulting Session

Using the Circle of Fourths to Learn to Walk Bass Lines on the Trombone!
The GET READY launch giveaway!

How to use the Circle of 4ths, and learn all 4 types of triads!
International Trombone Festival 2019!